When a mesh is slave to a master mesh, its morph targets will flicker when Played in Editor. This does not occure with the same assets in 4.8. This has been reported by at least two different use ...
The user is using a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume and a Nav Link Proxy. They are calling AI Move To to navigate to the point, but the Character reproduces extra movement and goes a bit past it. For debuggi ...
Crash when rendering cinematic in a Separate Process without "-NoLoadingScreen" cmd argument. Occurs in 4.12 and 4.13 in both Matinee and Sequencer Error message: Assertion failed: SizeX > 0 && S ...
Attached is a project that picks up Niagara from the content sample. The probability of reproduction is about 1/10. The simpler the project, the lower the reproduction probability. I am attaching ...
When exporting a Static Mesh from within UE4 that has multiple materials, some of the material IDs will be condensed into a single ID which will mess up how the material assignment for that part of ...
A crash occurs when trying to use the Mesh Reduction tool for the ScotsPine_01 static mesh from the Open World Demo collection. The assets from this project are usually very processor heavy due to ...
When using the "Random Integer in Range from Stream" where the seed is a power of 2 after a certain point (2^22) the random integer that is returned is the always the same. If the seed is 2^23 + 1 i ...
A Japanese developer's making a scene that has over 4000 static point lights. They thought the lights don't affect rendering in runtime. But they realized the RenderThread's costs become bigger. I ...
If you enable Shader compilation via XGE by setting r.XGEShaderCompile = 1 in ConsoleVariables.ini in 4.18 Editor downloaded from Launcher, it prevents shaders from compiling at all, and as a result ...
the High resolution screenshot is not saved when using the command 'HiResShot' when playing via the Standalone option. You can use the command and it shows the link to the directory where the screen ...