Timers set to a low time setting, but that are not set lower than tick, have a significant impact on FPS as compared to tick when updated a large number of objects at the same time. ...
When you have a character in a level and if you setup the blueprint of the character as shown below, the rotation of the character will differ when played Standalone vs Selected Viewport. Photo of ...
ServerTravel from a map with a GameMode set to Use Seamless Travel and then ServerTravel back from a map without Seamless Travel enabled will crash the editor. Reproduced in 4.7.1 binary and Main ( ...
ForEach 'Enum' node returns incorrect enum values User Description: The For Each loop and Byte To Enum function return weird things. The same outputs happen with the Byte To Enum, depending on wh ...
This also occurs in 4.14.3 This does not occur on Windows. Could not get this issue to reproduce while recording the screen with quicktime player, but if you experience it in person it really feel ...
Set tracking origin has a 90 degree offset between Floor and Eye level. When switching the Setting for the Set Tracking Origin Node from Floor level to Eye level, there appears to be a 90 degree dif ...
Crash when confirming a directory to import a USD file to via the USD Stage window The repro does not seem to be 100% consistent and it can take a few attempts to hit the crash. The USD Stage wind ...
[Link Removed] ...
Moving an instanced static mesh will not move the collision along with the mesh. This will leave a visible mesh that players can walk through in one area and a blank space that cannot be walked thro ...
Expose to Matinee requires variable to be "editable" as well. If this is expected, can we have "Editable" be enabled when you enable "Expose to Matinee"? ...