This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source C ...
Shader compile error in function PositionOnlyMain() in ShadowDepthVertexShader.usf if defined INTERPOLATE_POSITION. LogShaderCompilers:Warning: 1 Shader compiler errors compiling WorldGridMaterial ...
Right now, any UINTERFACE that is not marked as CannotImplementInterfaceInBlueprint is shown as implementable in blueprint. If these functions have BlueprintCallable functions or related things then ...
When importing a static mesh into a project with the appropriately named materials in it already they won't apply to the mesh automatically when setting Search Location to All Assets without being i ...
DESCRIPTION: If you try to open the physics asset for the Advanced Vehicle template will throw a warning that the physics asset has no default skeleton and that it will be replaced with the default ...
The user is using a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume and a Nav Link Proxy. They are calling AI Move To to navigate to the point, but the Character reproduces extra movement and goes a bit past it. For debuggi ...
Attached is a project that picks up Niagara from the content sample. The probability of reproduction is about 1/10. The simpler the project, the lower the reproduction probability. I am attaching ...
When exporting a Static Mesh from within UE4 that has multiple materials, some of the material IDs will be condensed into a single ID which will mess up how the material assignment for that part of ...
Baked lighting on mobile has dirtied or pixelated lightmaps. When testing this issue I attempted to change various settings within the 'Lightmass' section and the changes made did not have much effe ...
When using the "Random Integer in Range from Stream" where the seed is a power of 2 after a certain point (2^22) the random integer that is returned is the always the same. If the seed is 2^23 + 1 i ...