When using a BP with component instance static mesh that is added via the construction script, when using the build button in the toolbar to build lighitng and geometry everything will work correctl ...
I user was using a function to set button styles and they found that this would cause their editor to crash when trying PIE ...
When a raw NavModifierComponent gets added to a character it cuts a hole in the navmesh (as expected) but doesn't update the location with character's movement. And it should. ...
Defaults for variables of asset/object/class type do not show up in the defaults panel in User Defined Structs. This severely limits their usefulness as a data definition. ...
**UPDATE** When the actor is pulled from content browser to scene, a "ghost" object is created even if the actor is still being "held". Dragging the actor back and forth into the editor viewport wi ...
When a UPROPERTY() macro is changed and the recompiled, the hot reload in the editor will cause any BP based on the class to lose certain aspects of the Detail panel such as the actor's transform. ...
When selecting variables within a blueprint using the arrow keys, it doesn't refresh the Details properly. You can see this by clicking on each of the variables, to see what the difference between t ...
Changing the value of a text struct variable inside a duplicated function that contains a Make Struct node will reset that value in the original function. This does not appear to occur with other va ...
The new AI Perception system's BP API, marketed in release notes, depends on UAIPerceptionComponent::GetActorsPerception, that, as one AnswerHub user points out, is useless due to a buggy condition ...
When dragging and dropping the Blueprints folder into another folder, and selecting 'copy here' causes the Blueprints folder to stay as a folder and empty, but another Blueprints folder is created w ...