Projects crash when the following Project Settings are set: • Vulkan is enabled • Vulkan is the Default RHI • Forward Shading is enabled • AntiAliasing Method is set to MSAA The different engine ve ...
When using a SceneCapture2D within blueprints (as a component or actor blueprint) and moving the blueprint around while placed in the world (Capture Every Frame and Capture on Move enabled). The mem ...
When multiplying vector 3 (R,G,B) values by a scalar value of increasing quantity the emissive output will begin to change colors. The most unexpected is the blue color that will turn purple while t ...
When importing a mesh as skeletal mesh and using any of the MikkTSpace or option to "Import Normals and Tangents" will cause the normals to import incorrectly. If using the Compute Normals or Import ...
From UDN: The reason it crashes is because Child doesn't get garbage collected, which is because it still has the RF_Standalone flag. UEditorEngine::EditorDestroyWorld clears RF_Standalone flag ...
Creating a UTexture2D the following way does not properly process gradients in the texture: ------ bool Atexture_test_actor::LoadRawFileTest( /* output */ UTexture2D*& image) { TArray<short> v ...
Skeletal mesh's physics collision lag behind the actual mesh. It didn't matter if there was just a root bone or multiple bones/constraints. This doesn't happen when using static meshes. The effect ...
When using WorldComposition and building LOD for a sublevel, textures of generated Landscape LOD are not correct when the project has forward rendering enabled. The issue is that the material gener ...
Physics Constraint doesn't hold if one Component is used for constraint User Description: Hello, I recently updated the project from 4.7.6 to 4.8.2 and the physics constraint don't seem to work an ...