Primarily visible at very low internal resolutions (25-33%), the SSS checkerboard with an RGB scene colour format (r.SceneColorFormat 3) causes a double-image artefact both internally and on the sil ...
There is currently no simple way to do a deprecated variable fixup on native variables that are set by a blueprint class. For a simple variable rename, CoreRedirects can be used and will work proper ...
Labels for buttons added to the Level Editor Toolbar from the Editor Utility Tool Menu Entry blueprint do not appear in the toolbar. This functionality did exist in 4.26/4.27 but no longer seems to ...
When closing a media player asset in the Oculus Quest the Clear Color is ignored and the last frame is left on frame shown. This happened whether I ran the project both while the Quest was and was n ...
This is a trending crash occurring in 4.17 and 4.17.1. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Source Context 345 if(Params.bTryAutoFix && Param ...
After adding C++ to a content-only project, Create Session no longer works in a packaged game. The following warning appears in the log: LogScript:Warning: CreateSession - Invalid or uninitialized ...
The issue occurs when you simply move the material node itself and click the 'Apply' button to begin compiling shaders. Once it has completed, the number of texture samples increases for the Stats a ...
From licensee: The height of Nanite rendered landscape does not match the height of non-nanite landscape. The error gets worse if you increase the Z Scale of the landscape actor. Our project rec ...
Calling SetActorLabel causes an actor's components to return to default states when called from a client accessing a listen server outside of main editor process. Note: User posted code linked to ...
FVariant is a struct that implements a union of data types, including FVector. When assigning an FVariant an FVector value in engine versions UE 4.27 or earlier, the FVariant will deserialize incorr ...