TextBox(Multi-line) or EditableText(multi-line) in UMG blinks when it meets certain condition in editor. The condition is Both Size to content option for TextBox(Multi-line) or EditableText(multi-l ...
Use Complex as Simple isn't working for dynamic objects. However, if not simulating physics, collision works correctly. Same as TTP# 229782 that wasn't moved to JIRA. ...
Auto-Key All and Auto-Key Animated don't work as expected. Might consider having a third option that Auto-Keys only the modified property. ...
Creating a blueprint class, and then creating a few children of that class ( in this case, 4) does not display them as available options when setting the default value of a variable of that blueprin ...
When painting Vertex Colors on a mesh, and enabling the 'Emissive for Static Lighting' option, the painted colors are not passed to surfaces receiving the emissive static lighting. The regular emis ...
When using the new Rebuild Lighting commandlet will cause a crash with any level that builds when it has a landscape in the scene. https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/f89256dd0efb7d0b ...
Setting Ignore Base Actor Rotation to false continues to ignore base actor rotation when standing on an object that is spinning. ...
Blueprint's with an instanced static mesh that has instance components added via construction script will fail to build lighting correctly when the pivot is placed outside the lights radius. This ...
Root Motion from Everything doesn't accept Root Motion from Montages in 4.11. This works in 4.10. Can regress down the issue if needed. ...
The UMG editor will compile as if the blueprints is valid if you make "Get Text" node from a TextBlock variable, delete it and create a EditableText variable with the same name. When running a scene ...