A licensee has reported that when using Create Material Instance Dynamic and adjusting a material at run-time is not working with HLODs. It doesn't seem supported (yet) and unchecking the "merge m ...
ExponentialHeightFog does not render for Gear VR devices when both the device and project are set for Gear VR. However, the fog does appear on a project without Gear VR enabled. Occurs On: GalaxyS6 ...
When using the Spawn Actor from Class node, the Spawn Transform Scale is being multiplied by the actor's original scale, instead of just setting the scale to the Spawn Transform's value. In 4.11.2, ...
In an actor blueprint with a scene component blueprint as its root, if you add a child object to the scene component blueprint, and then go into the scene component blueprint and set the location to ...
Compile error with Local Variable of a Struct that contains a Set or Map type. Standard and array variables work without issue. Non-local variables also work without issue. ...
Users are not able to play a Demo in PIE using the Execute Console Command node to run the demoplay command. The following warning spams the output log while the demo is still trying to open:LogWor ...
Animation Sequences with negative Rate Scales do not play outside of using them in Animation Blueprints...unless they are looping. UPDATE: A negative rate scale value also breaks Anim Montages. ht ...
Objects that are 100k uu+ away from camera do not trigger "OnClicked" events ...
Morph Targets do not update in Construction Script Tested in 4.5 Release and in Latest Promoted (//depot/UE4/Promoted-CL-2323471) ...
When deploying a project to an Android device that uses UMG and Chinese text, Not all text is displayed when deployed to a mobile device ...