With a Tessellated Material, either Flat or PN Triangles, applied to a Skeletal Mesh when playing, the Mesh has excessive blur when in motion. If you use the same material and turn off tessellation ...
The Select node will accept both a Parent Class and a Child Class as inputs if the Parent is added first. The node will compile if the Index is set to anything other than Wildcard. Note that the no ...
Adding array element of instanced meshes during simulation does not increase amount of elements in array. Regression (No) issue (does) occur in 4.10.4 ...
When using a delegate variable as a function parameter, dragging off of the delegate pin of an associated function BP node to create a custom event will create a default custom event without the inp ...
Text UMG isn't showing up on HTML5 when it's packaged and ran on the browsers. This has only been seen on HTML5 so far. ...
Static mesh socket updates do not appear in BPs unless you recompile ...
Setting a parameter on a Sound Cue from Blueprints more than once is not working. The first time a parameter is set works, but any following sets are ignored. This is a regression and does not occu ...
Virtual loops continue to be displayed in Audio Insights even after the sound has stopped being active for certain cases. This also occurs when stopping PIE while a sound is virtual. The sound will ...
It appears that MRQ does not actually add the pass that updates the Water Info Texture in the WaterZone actor. If the Skylight is set to "SLS Captured Scene" and does not capture every frame, then t ...
The Level Visibility tracks part of a Subsequence are turned off every time you save the Leve Sequence. It does not happen if Level Visibility tracks are added in the main Sequence. ...