A user has reported on salesforce that their RVT material is returning black. After following the publicly available Epic Quick Start guide online I encountered the same issue. The ticket was repor ...
When creating Soft Object Variables of Actor or Character blueprints, the default value of the variable is greyed out and unable to be changed. I was able to create a Soft Object Reference of the Th ...
setting GSupportsTimestampRenderQueries=false or r.GPUStatsEnabled=0 can fix it ...
When adding multiple Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes on a loop and packaging the project in Shipping configuration the application crashes due to LowLevelFatalError [Link Removed] [Line: 1431] ...
In UReplicationGraphNode_DynamicSpatialFrequency::CalcFrequencyForActor, the ActorChannelCloseFrameNum is updated for the actor but not its dependents when calculating FramesTillReplicate. As a resu ...
When DuplicateWorldForPIE is called and serializes the references in another AlwaysLoaded sublevel, the properties of a ChildActorComponent are confusingly inaccurate. ...
When using any of the Set Linear Limit nodes (X/Y/Z) and converting a project from a previous version of the engine, the nodes get their Constraint Type value reset to Free. I tested this with proje ...
Ambient Occlusion does not seem to function when enabling Forward Rendering. I tested the level without Forward Shading and could notice a visible difference in the shadows when Ambient Occlusion wa ...
If a virtual texture physical pool becomes oversubscribed the current behavior is: Log a one time only warning: ''Failed to allocate VT page from pool...' Continue to evict the least recently used t ...
A texture can be toggled between virtual texture and regular texture using the Convert to virtual texture/regular texture tool in the texture asset context menu. This updates referencing materials t ...