Crash when enabling HZB occlusion culling

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 16, 2020

Enabling HZB Occlusion culling results in a reproducible crash. Looks like a community member noticed this back in preview 2: ...

The LOD is not reflected in Shadow when r.ForceLODShadow is set

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 16, 2020

When I looked into this feature, I noticed that ForceLOD was not set by the code below. Therefore, I confirmed that only Shadow can change LOD by changing as follows.[Link Removed] ...

Can not find abstract class in actor class dropdown list in GetAllActorsOfClass node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 15, 2020

The behavior of non-variable class pins has changed in 4.26 where abstract classes like AInfo are being excluded from class pickers for general utility functions like GetAllActorsOfClass. This is no ...

Hot Reload Temporary dlls and pdbs Aren't Getting Cleaned Up Between Runs

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Dec 14, 2020

I'm seeing it as an issue in at least 4.25.4, maybe prior.   I'll update after checking 4.24. From the tests at my desk I could see that the HotReload.State file that DeleteTemporaryFiles (HotReloa ...

Actor Sequences don't play on spawned actors in cooked games

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 14, 2020

Actor sequences do not play on spawned actors in cooked builds. ...

Missing SmallOSAlloc/Free memory tracking with LLM on iOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 11, 2020

Licensee reports missing memory tracking for LLM on iOS: In Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/HAL/MallocBinned.cpp in SmallOSAlloc, there is a compiler define for IOS and within it there is an LLM ...

Add Submix Effect Blueprint Does Not Have Any Effect

UE - Audio - Dec 11, 2020

Adding a second effect to the Submix Effect Chain on a Submix works as expected, but when trying to add a Submix Effect via Blueprint, there is no effect.  This also applies to "Add Master Submix Ef ...

Soft Object Reference Pins can't be reset to None

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Dec 10, 2020

Soft Object Reference pins on Blueprint nodes can't be reset to None once an object reference has been set.  ...