Further investigate and fix Editor Level Instance texture streaming data update which currently isn't being updated when moving a Level Instance in the editor. ...
This was disabled for clang a long time ago in CL 3019423 due to a codegen crash but seems like the bug is fixed now ...
If an actor that is used in the pooled actor list of UMassActorSpawnerSubsystem is destroyed, it causes a nullptr exception in UMassActorSpawnerSubsystem::SpawnOrRetrieveFromPool. The subsystem atte ...
Setting a parent and child static mesh scale to negative effects the rotation on child when Snapped To Floor Looks to be directly related to this JIRA: https://jira.ol.epicgames.net/browse/UE-3152 ...
User reported being unable to push to devices from mac if they have their Certificates in the System Keychain rather than Local ...
Pressing the "Connect to Source Control" Button on a Linux project does not open the "Source Control Login" window. Looking at the Message Log for source control it says that "Source Control is dis ...
Verify that inertial scrolling works in the ScrollBox and the ListView on touch devices. We have reports that it isn't working in 4.9, it may have been fixed since then, or not be as smooth as it c ...
Alembic geometry cache doesn't import every frame when importing large frame ranges. Specifically when they don't start at frame 1. [Link Removed] ...
When changing from boolean to Integer/Byte the select nodes options are not changed to Option 0/Option 1 and instead are left as False/True ...
This occurred with both Development and DebugGame build configurations. In the game's console I tried both "quit" and "exit" and reproed the crash. The crash also occurs via Alt + F4 or closing vi ...