When viewing the Sphere Radius around a Static mesh actor it appears to greatly exceed the mesh when setting the Z transform to 4 from 1. ...
This issue cannot be reproduced in 4.18 but can be reproduced in 4.19.1 as well as Main (CL 3998250) therefore I am marking this as a regression. ...
Post-Process Anim Instances do not have BeginPlay called. The proposed fix is to addif (PostProcessAnimInstance) { PostProcessAnimInstance->NativeBeginPlay(); PostProcessAnimInstance->Blu ...
It looks like particle toggle tracks use TimeRangeToNumberRange which gives the incorrect range as a result of CL 10893518 which fixed [Link Removed]. ...
This problem is similar to the following case. [Link Removed] [Link Removed] It seems to have been fixed in 4.16, but the licensee reported it in 4.25. ...
This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901. The Material Function Instance can be dragged and dropped into the Material Function Call. ...
The Fictitious Angular Scale is still having an effect when the cloth is teleported. Also it shouldn't have any effects when the velocity scale is set to 1 (as per tooltip documentation) but it doe ...
Vehicle wheel shapes on the server appear to detach from the vehicle and remain at their spawn point when running a networked game. The clients physics representation is ok and as expected, i.e. whe ...
Static Meshes are not being visibly culled within the bounds of a Cull Distance Volume, until the user presses Play in Editor. I attempted to locate a visualizer or show flag within the viewport or ...
Blueprint cannot save when a function from a function library is present in the blueprint unless any alteration is made within the function library. Once editor is closed and re-opened the user must ...