Packaging fails with Event Driven loader enabled and two function libraries reference each other even though the functions referenced in each library to NOT call each other in such a way as to creat ...
If "lerp" is typed into the context menuof the material editor, "linear interpolate" will not appear as one of the options within the menu. Typing "Linear Interpolate" or pressing L+LMB works as exp ...
TBigInt appears to allocate twice as much memory as necessary for the input. This produces an unexpected output of the input value. ...
Creating a landscape grass type and then pressing the + to add an element crashes the editor. Frequency: 2/2 Crashreporter: not currently available ...
In blueprint graphs, the action list for soft object references of a Object subclass is incorrect. "Equal" spawns an incompatible node, while the expected "Equal (SoftObjectReference)" is missing. " ...
Swarm Coordinator in 4.8.1/2 is not distributing light builds across accessible agents. If you have and open a Coordinator included in the 4.7.6 build of the Engine, Coordinator is distributing cor ...
When in Foliage Painting mode, the left trigger press causes the right controller to paint foliage instead of the left controller. This bug does not affect Landscaping or Mesh Painting. This is a r ...
In the Effects level of Content Examples, the Ribbon trails appears to snap back to the origin of the particle effect after the life of the particle. This is an issue in 4.13.1 as well. This is a ...
With multiple Preview assets on one bone, only one appears in Skeleton Tree. Regression: YES Working: 4.13.2 CL:3172292 Broken: 4.14.1 CL:3224400 ...
The construction script is not updating in the PIE when the text is set through that method, there is a current workaround to set it on event begin play. This issue affects the Text and Textbox comp ...