If a post process volume is set to use a material shader, reducing the screen percentage while in VR Preview will shift the coordinates left/right. ...
Cannot set the Rotation value of an Instance Static Mesh component if the scale is set to zero. This can be done with StaticMesh components and standard Static Meshes in the level. ...
GLSL_430 shaders are not cooked when deploying a project from Windows to Linux using Launch On. LogPlayLevel: PLINK: [31m[2016.11.16-18.36.22:414][ 0]LogMaterial:Error: The global shader cache fi ...
A GameplayTagQuery in an ActorComponent cannot be properly edited on instances of an actor with said component. There is a workaround, but the issue makes editing Tag Queries rather annoying, doubl ...
Cutting two tracks in sequencer, which one is attached to another one, and pasting it break with Attach track. By this operation, Attack track loses its binding object. Copying such tracks and paste ...
Local class type variables do not correctly populate with default value information. Variables of a class type populate with default value information normally. ...
Inside a BP Interface, changing a Function output to an input will cause a compile error in the reference bp. [Error] "Graph named 'NewFunction_0' already exists in 'bpActor'. Another one cannot be ...
Using the Merge Blueprints feature crashes the editor. This repro is for clicking between the error and warnings while merging, but the editor will generally crash if the Merge is finished or if an ...
Setting a restitution of 1 for a ground material and a restitution of 1 for a ball that bounces on the ground should keep the ball bouncing at the same height consecutively. Over the course of time ...
BP state get dirty if the BP graph have action input event. Regression: Yes, it is not reproduced in 4.16.3 This issue is not related to Blueprint Compilation Manager. ...