When editing an actor blueprint that's inside of a hidden streamed level, the blueprint actor transform will reset to 0,0,0. There is a video that's attached to the AnswerHub post which is very use ...
FOV-track-only camera anim do not give effect to current camera. if the anim have transform track without any key, the anim works. Regression? yes. This is not reproduced in 4.13.2 launcher version ...
Planar reflections with any value lower than 100 for SeparateTranslucencyScreenPercentage are skewed/distorted when moving the camera, not representing the correct image when the value is 100. ...
Instanced Static Meshes will have incorrect velocity if a Material uses World Position Offset. Fixed WPO in a material causes significant velocity on the ISM. This was also replicated in //UE5/Rele ...
If a ForEachLoop node is used to cycle through an Array of Structures, using the Array Element output of the Loop node to set the members of the structure does not save the changed values. Workarou ...
Camera jitter when using Crane Rig with a Cine Camera that is using the Look At Functionality ...
Trying to set the value of an element of a fixed-size TAssetPtr array in the Editor results in the Editor crashing. This did not occur in 4.13. The attached callstack is from debugging the project ...
User is attempting to find a blueprint member variable's default value in their implementation of UK2Node::NotifyPinConnectionListChanged(). but the expected value in FBPVariableDescription is empty ...
When adding elements to an array inside a code class, blueprint instances of the class do not have their array updated after a hot reload. ...
When playing the user's project in editor vs Packaged, there has been different results for the enemies collision. When playing in PIE, you are able to fly through the enemies with no issues. When p ...