Attempting to create landscape layer info from within the new landscape creation window crashes the editor. Workaround: create the landscape, switch to paint mode, create layer info in paint mode w ...
The current version of the oculus audio SDK fails to initialize for some clients. We haven't been able to reproduce the problem internally but we're told from Oculus that updating the SDK will fix t ...
Building 4.10 from the GitHub release branch on Linux fails to open after install and instead crashes Community Suggested Fix: Switching triangle order optimization off with r.TriangleOrderOptimiza ...
When you upgrade your project to a new version of the engine, your Collections are deleted from the Collection setting. ...
It appears that particle components don't update their bounds correctly when they are moved in a scene. If a particle emitter isn't currently visible at the start of the game it will remain culled. ...
Inaccurate updates to root widget visibility binding, so far in my testing, this does not affect the functionality of the binding. Regression: affects 4.13.2, 4.14.3, 4.15.1 binary versions ...
Camera Cut tracks don't work in some packaged code projects Regression: YES Working: 3249277 (4.14.3) Broken: 3348071 (4.15.1) Working: 3383544 (4.16 Main) ...
Issue was occurring with wildly varying repro steps, after speaking to Jurre and enabling gc.CollectGarbageEveryFrame 1 it was easy to conistenty reproduce this issue. note: I was getting this iss ...
UObjectBaseUtility::GetInterfaceAddress() fails due to an incorrect serialized value of the 'bImplementedByK2' property within the non-nativized class's Interfaces array on save. See support thread ...
HLOD state is not cleared when moving to a scene without HLOD so primitives may read the state from the old scene and incorrectly cull objects. The safe fix is to clear the HLOD state maps when the ...