Setting up New Relative Rotation with some Static Mesh Actors in the Level Blueprint will have strange results if -90 is used in the Y Relative Rotation. Changing off of -90 will result in normal be ...
As described in the linked UDN, non-replicated components aren't being hooked up properly after an actor goes out & back into relevancy. The proposed fix sounds correct, calling MoveMapedObjectToUnm ...
Within USkinnedMeshComponent::UpdateLODStatus_Internal, if the USkinnedMeshComponent does not yet have a MeshObject, MaxLODIndex will be left as 0 and as a result PredictedLODLevel will be set to 0 ...
Rendering the SkyAtmopshere component using Vulkan with and without Vulkan (SM5) enabled causes artifacts to appear on screen on Windows and Linux. This was reported and tested in 4.25.1 (CL-135 ...
Reproduced 3/3 times. A similar bug occurred with PhysX ([Link Removed]) Check the function: FVector FSimpleAerodynamicsSim::GetCombinedForces(float VelocityIn) if the velocityIn is negative, th ...
When using the jumpbox with a sequence that is in seconds (not fps) the engine will freeze. This issue is occurring in Binary //UE5/Release-5.2 @ CL 25360045 This issue is occurring in Binary //UE ...
This is not a regression. Tested //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 Within Water Body Custom setting the Water Mesh Override to a Nanite mesh causes a crash. This seems to be the case with any Nanite ena ...
Result : while displaying the Nanite version of the landscape, the paint layers behave erratically (see video : [Link Removed]) If rebuilding the Nanite data, the bug gets fixed until the user sta ...
For nodes with an FGameplayTag or FGameplayTagContainer pin, when changing the tag value (Pin->DefaultValue) and triggering Undo/Redo, the pin modification is not undone. Rather, it undoes the previ ...
ExportMaterialUVDensities() gets the incorrect value where the alpha channel is referenced (e.g. RegisterIndex of the texture is [3] or [7]) because FMeshRenderer::RenderMaterialTexCoordScales() use ...