@triage need approval to submit this into 4.27.2 When trying to select any of the tutorials in the editor, all of them except for the "Welcome to the Unreal Editor" tutorial are unresponsive. They ...
Right now only native subobjects are displayed in the details panel with meta = (ShowInnerProperties) is set. Child Actor Components are an example of this, where if the child actor you have added h ...
upd. Regression was checked on //UE4/Release-4.26 CL 17626593 Issue wasn't reproduced. Regression - Yes ...
The Virtual Scouting tools appear black in scenes using real-world physical lighting values due to their UI Material Domain since they do not have an emissive channel and do not accommodate viewport ...
Is this a bug with OpenXR tracking in OpenXRHMD.h:145? virtual void SetTrackingOrigin(EHMDTrackingOrigin::Type NewOrigin) override { TrackingSpaceType = (NewOrigin == EHMDTrackingOrigin::Floor ...
Deleting the first instanced subobject entry from a default value for a map or set variable can result in accessing an incorrect subobject for the element's value during reinstancing, which can then ...
For 4.27/5.0 (as part of [Link Removed]) we changed the asset manager's settings to be a key-indexed config array which gives more safety with removing entries via the UI. However, this actually bro ...