Possibly related to [Link Removed]. This affects Static, Stationary, and Movable point lights when upgrading a project from 4.18 to 4.19.2 or Main (tested in CL 4101872). If you click the "Reset to ...
Crash always occurs when executing Visualize Texture Command with Texture id. Looks like GVisualizeTexture.Mode doesn't affect correctly. Workaround: VisualizeTexturePresent.cpp FVisualizeText ...
Editor shortcuts will not work if you launch the editor with a non-Latin-based language (ex. Russian, Chinese). The editor must be closed and restarted with English (or possibly any Latin alphabet- ...
Changing the Capture Source in Planar Reflections is not working as expected. Without being able to change the source, Post Process Materials are not rendering in the Reflection. Reported in versio ...
If a menu has an entry that is a submenu, and that submenu has entries in it that are also submenus, then the entire menu will close when left clicking the submenu button instead of hovering it. So ...
It appears that FAnimUpdateRateParameters::GetInterpolationAlpha is not returning a sensible value when running in TrailMode. Currently the only variable in the calculation is EvaluationRate which ...
I traced through the callstack and it looks like the problem is as follows:in order for the BP function to compile, its enum parameter must be uint8, because that is the only type supported by BP fu ...
Negative scaled static mesh components in a blueprint will invert their faces when converted to a static mesh. Note that this does not happen in the following situations: If the BP is scaled negat ...
Generated from CrashReporter Logs can be obtained via Crash Reporter ...
When using distance fields with instance meshes from the foliage tool everything works correctly, however, when simulating or PIE the distance fields will be removed. This working correctly in 4.7.5 ...