Per UDN Licensee: I have 2 crash repro when enabling DirectX12, both linked to tesselation and still present in 4.18 stock engine and easy to reproduce. Crash 1 -Start editor with DirectX12 -Cre ...
The user reports that the Landscape Spline Width and Side Falloff isn't respecting Unreal Units in the Editor. The usage for comparison is a Cube that is scaled up 7x to Splines that have a Width of ...
In a normal detail panel, each element has its own SDetailSingleItemRow and are mostly uniformly sized with some exceptions of having a few bigger rows (i.e. asset pickers). However, these layers ar ...
After a bit of investigation, the way to fix this would be to modify MergeMaskIntoAlpha to pass in the actual resolution scale and the requested size, and only mask the overlapping pixels. Currently ...
It is possible for the while loop in UnrealEditor-SubobjectDataInterface.dll!USubobjectDataSubsystem::GetActorRootHandle(const FSubobjectDataHandle & StartingHandle) Line 815 to not terminate when ...
Attempting to package a project using Nativize Blueprint Assets that contains delegates that have the same output parameters (such as binding an event to the OnCanvasRenderTargetUpdate event as show ...
LogPlayLevel: QAGame: [2017.06.28-14.09.14:706][ 0]LogLinker:Warning: Unable to load package (../../../QAGame/Content/UMG/UMG_Sprite.uasset). Package contains EditorOnly data which is not supported b ...
With tile maps, Polygon Collision does not correctly rebuild when using rebuild collision node in packaged game. This issue does not appear to be a regression. Versions Tested: Issue occurs on all ...
From this UDN: Crash occurs when opening child (or in the repro case, grandchild) blueprints a ...
When using a Gamepad, there is an issue where input from the controller continues to control editor menus during Mobile PIE session. This issue does not a appear to be a regression. Versions Tested ...