Another thread: Note: This not a regression and has existed since our first implementation ...
After adding a classed based on ProceduralMeshComponent the code for the project does not compile any longer. **This is a Regression - Adding ProceduralMeshComponent class would compile successfull ...
My Macbook Pro uses an Nvidia GeForce 750M and was on Safari 10.0 when this occurred. This did NOT occur on a Macbook Pro with the same card and using Safari 9.1.2. This did NOT occur on an iMac wi ...
While verifying a bug for 4.15 UE-39952 , I tried to repro in 4.14.2 and the editor crashed while attempting to import the attached FBX In 4.15, the Editor does NOT crash a window pops up stating t ...
The collision mesh and the display mesh are often similar enough to be difficult to differentiate, and there is currently no way to view the collision wireframe without the display wireframe as well ...
I ran into this while looking to verify [Link Removed] at CL 3355923. I logged the issue I was verifying the fix for last night and have not updated anything locally, so the "OpenGL 4.3 not supporte ...
When using deferred decals there are artifacts that are caused by the emissive color of the decal when viewing the decals from a low angle. These artifacts appear as thin lines on the edges of the m ...
There is a distortion that occurs with Apex cloth when changing the World Origin location. This distortion occurs when you approach after the world origin has been changed. This issue is similar to ...
Reimporting an FBX file via the import button does not make the import options appear. Instead of allowing the FBX to reimport with new options, the FBX just re-imports. This issue is a regression. ...
Packaged games are unable to open when Event Driven Loader is disabled. The error message given is: Assertion failed: !Linker->GetSerializeContext() [File:D:\Build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\C ...