In the project is Behavior Tree that implements some tasks, decorators and services, but for some reason, two of my tasks nodes gets initialized with all the pointers to their services set to null, ...
When using Replicated Movement, certain combined linear/angular movements cause the client to freeze for several seconds and then catch up to the server. This is a regression from 4.21.2 (CL-4753647 ...
Imported TTF fonts rendering unknown glyph for previously-working characters such as ' or ! or , or ?. In 4.21 the font was working as expected. User states that custom fonts should be forward-compa ...
User receives a crash at %90 during launch of a newly created project from a fresh install of 4.24.3 and 4.25. The project does not contain any plugins or additional content. Note: User is able to ...
There is no easy way to disable auto-exposure on a per-component basis. This is a big source of confusion for people new to Unreal. The work around is to set Min and Max Brightness to 1 or set to ...
In UE4, Reparenting the Child Component did not update it on the screen, but the Relative Transform was updated. However, UE5 now retains Relative Transform, so there are on-screen updates. This is ...
In ConvertQueryImpactHitImp, MaterialIndex is looked up from InternalFaceIndex, but FTriangleMeshImplicitObject:: MaterialIndices is an array by ExternalFaceIndex, so it returns incorrect material i ...
When using VirtualHeightfieldMesh we see intermittent crashes in FDepthPassMeshProcessor::TryAddMeshBatch(). This can happen when FVirtualTextureProducerCollection::CallPendingCallbacks() is called ...
The attached 105 frame PNG image sequence ( 1920x1080 w/alpha ) crashes the editor in UE 5.3 and 5.4 when played in the media player or in a MediaPlate. The same image sequence does not crash the ...
UDN: A UDN user is reporting that the delete_all_mat ...