UE5.4 Regression - crash when disabling shader optimization while raytracing is enabled on D3D12

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Jul 15, 2024

Certain interactions between a Rect Light with a Light Function and a Post-Process volume lead to a check() when compiling a Ray Tracing PSO for tracing lights. This check() only happens when shader ...

Cannot generate a callstack from the user's dll

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2015

The dumplogs and any other logs requested from this user are listed within this AnswerHub post. I do have the DMP logs currently on my PC if you're unable to download them, they're 1.9GB Jarek S. h ...

Physics objects will bounce unrealistically just before coming to rest

OLD - Anim - Jun 5, 2017

Physics objects will bounce unrealistically just before coming to rest. This is most noticeable with the large cube in the 1st Person template project. It also happens with the smaller cubes but not ...

Shadow flicker with dynamic lighting at low cascade levels when FOV changes

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 1, 2017

When using low shadow settings there is a flicker that occurs when changing a camera FOV, the flicker will end as soon as the FOV has finished adjusting to the new FOV. This can occur when:Using a ...

Lightmaps on Mobile Devices Appear Dirty and Blurry

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 28, 2017

When deploying project to a mobile device, the quality of the baked lighting and shadows becomes very poor compared to "Mobile Preview." Lightmaps appear dirty and blurry, with splotches (As shown i ...

CaptureEveryFrame=False Produces Green Capture in Packaged Game

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 8, 2017

When setting a SceneCapture with Capture Every Frame set to False, the capture will appear bright green in Packaged project. It captures as expected in editor/ PIE, and also works fine if Capture Ev ...

Compiling blueprint with nested subobjects loses data

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 25, 2018

The attached project is from a licensee who made a Quest system where a blueprint has several ConditionContainer instanced subobjects, that contain EdGraphs with custom question condition nodes. On ...

[CrashReport] GPUCrash - exiting due to D3D device being lost - D3D Hung - AMD

UE - Graphics Features - May 14, 2019

Separating [Link Removed] into Nvidia and AMD tickets.This ticket will house AMD information Exported data on 5/14/2019 with following Query:1 Month Time FrameMajorVersion is 4.22.1Callstack Contai ...

AssetManager ModifyCook does not correctly apply PrimaryAssetLabel references

UE - Foundation - Data Pipeline - Cooker - Feb 10, 2022

Right now the AssetManager uses different logic in ModifyCook vs VerifyCanCook, specifically related to secondary assets like textures or maps that are indirectly loaded by soft object paths and are ...

Crash when playing HLS video with ElectraPlayer on iOS16

UE - Media Framework - Mar 15, 2023

Licensee reported crash when playing HLS video with ElectraPlayer on iOS16. According to their research, we can avoid the fix by doing the following: Delete check() in the corresponding line Engine ...