[CrashReport] Crash on FMaterialEditor::OnCanPromoteToParameter()

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 22, 2017

This is a common crash in the 4.16 release (affecting Windows and Mac). A log file is attached. Users have not provided descriptions so additional information is not currently available. Windows C ...

Spin Box delta does not appear to affect how the spin box increments through its values when clicking and dragging with the mouse

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 12, 2017

Spin Box delta does not appear to affect how the spin box increments through its values when clicking and dragging with the mouse. The spin box appears to increment/decrement by more or less dependi ...

Creating an HLOD with a FallbackMesh that has a section with triangles=0 will incorrectly set the UVs of the StaticMesh

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Sep 11, 2024

The UVs in HLOD's StaticMesh appear to be broken when there are sections with zero triangles in the fallback mesh. This is most likely the case for sections containing only small parts. Workaroun ...

Changing preview mesh appears to affect initial transforms of all control rigs in level viewport

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Apr 16, 2024

It seems that switching the preview mesh in the control rig editor is affecting the initial transforms in the hiearchies of related control rigs in the level viewport.  This seems to be due to the c ...

Preview weight on Landscape Layer Sample affects Grass Output on landscape disregarding layer info

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 10, 2022

Preview weight on Landscape Layer Sample affects Grass Output on landscape disregarding layer info Repro Rate: 3/3 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL#18319896 and the issue did NOT occur there ...

Metasounds - Using the Audio Component Play Node with a start timer other than 0 results in the Metasound ceasing to function

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Dec 2, 2021

Metasounds cease functionality if called to Play with a different start time other than 0. This extends to the Metasound editor where pressing play to preview the sound also ceases to function. ...

Particle Cutout Will Clip Texture On Certain Frames Even With Alpha Threshold of 0.0001

UE - Niagara - Feb 17, 2017

A licensee has reported that the particle cutout feature will sometimes clip the image on some frames despite having an alpha threshold of 0.0001 The attached project has an example of this on the ...

Static mesh Viewer Camera Appears to be tilted after setting the orbit pitch to 90 and Orbit yaw to 0

Tools - Nov 21, 2016

Static mesh Viewer Camera Appears to be tilted after setting the orbit pitch to 90 and Orbit yaw to 0. The camera becomes tilted and does not rotate around the static mesh as it does by default Not ...