The first time that a Behavior Tree editor window changes from the tree to the Blackboard can cause a crash if you add and remove a key from the Blackboard via a different Behavior Tree editor windo ...
When creating the emitter's track widget we search for the stack view model's root entry, but the stack view model pointer is null, so we crash. ...
Error message: Assertion failed: TrianglesMade==2 [Link Removed] [Line: 373] Source Context: 360 { 361 FTriangle NewTriangle(A->Vertices[1],A->Vertices[2], TestPt); 362 ...
CHANGELIST: 4.5.0-2316912 CRASHREPORT: Did not produce an error report CALLSTACK: Did not produce an error report DESCRIPTION: Editor Crashes when placing a widget blueprint from one widget b ...
Looks like we are hitting a check when you try and change the default widget class for this. ...
Licensee was looking for a way to get total file size to display download progress. On Windows (which uses the curl library for Http request/response), binding a function to the OnRequestProgress d ...
Projects created in previous engine versions fail to build in 4.25.2Running D:/Epic Games/UE_4.25/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe Development Win64 -Project="D:/Unreal Projects/MyProject4 ...
I was able to repro the crash in 4.19. Unable to open sample project in 4.20 or 4.21. Per Licensee: While porting one of our classes from using UMaterialBillboardComponent to a hand rolled Billboar ...
This JIRA is being entered as a result of it being one of the top crashes occurring in 4.13 Preview 1. Error message: Ensure condition failed: Lhs.CurrentNum == Lhs.InitialNum [Link Removed] [Line ...
GameVersion Branch: UE4 Configuration: Main Version: 2242091 CommandLine:qagame -log Label: GUBP Node Shared_LabelPromotable built from changelist 2242091 DESCRIPTION: Debug filter automatically sw ...