The ForceActorRelevantNextUpdate will only trigger an update on the first connection in the list. Note that the ForceActorRelevantNextUpdate does not work on dynamic actors since their ActorChannel ...
The second player's screen in a Split Screen multiplayer session on Android does not render. It remains completely black. This was also an issue prior to 4.15 but was fixed with [Link Removed]. The ...
An anim composite will freeze the editor if one of its animation segments has a a notify and a length of 0 or less. Debugging shows that the engine is stuck inside UAnimSequenceBase::GetAnimNotifies ...
When packaging a project that is using the Sun Position Calculator plugin the logs will be spammed with warnings (Warning: Accessed None trying to read property CompassMesh). This could be worked ar ...
Users on the forums are hitting a crash on their initial launch of the engine into dx12. There is currently a workaround to load into the project with dx11 first, compile shaders, then youre fine to ...
When Use mouse for touch is enabled, the button fires onreleased event. Here is what I investigated. Use mouse for touch enables gesture action in the button that leads to LongPress gesture fires ...
The USplineComponent appears to be corrupted. It will pass the null check, but operations done on the data cause the engine to crash. (See the linked UDN for more details) ...
According to information from the licensee, the else clause was added to "FSkeletalMeshLODModel::(GetClothMappingData()" at CL 4437969 , but if it is the cloth data existing from 4.20 or earlier, it ...
'Set from Euler (Quat)' and 'Set Components (Quat)' BP nodes have no output. These nodes are new in 4.22 Confirmed in MAIN @ CL 5423420 ...
Hold shift no longer appears to correctly lock on to object in the editor while they are being translated. This appears to be a regression ...