[Sound Submix] - Dry Level of a Submix is calculated differently whether or not there is an effect in the chain

UE - Audio - Submixes - Jan 21, 2021

There is a discrepancy is how the output volume of a submix is calculated when the effect chain is and is not populated. When there is no effect on the submix, the Dry Level adds additional gain to ...

Take recorder does not record camera or spring arm component transforms on player character

UE - Virtual Production - Tools - Take Recorder - May 4, 2020

Component transforms for player characters don't seem to be recorded in take recorder. ...

Morph Targets fail to record through Persona and Sequence Recorder when set via the event graph

UE - Virtual Production - Tools - Take Recorder - Jul 4, 2018

If you have a set of morph targets which are driven when you record with either the recorder in Persona or Sequence Recorder the resultant animation will not contain any values on the curves. In th ...