Collapsed Nodes do not have execution pins highlight during use

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 16, 2015

When nodes are collapsed in editor, the execution pins to the nodes do not light up to show their use. ...

Editor crashes if opening a sublevel containing a navmesh when persistent level is open

UE - AI - Sep 8, 2015

If the persistent level is open and a user attempts to open a sublevel that contains a navmesh, the editor will freeze and then crash. Frequency: 3/3 Crashreporter: N/A ...

Duplicated Parameters in a MPC cannot be used always return source results

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 15, 2015

When you duplicate a Parameter in a Material Parameter Collection instead of adding a new Parameter, the duplicated parameter always returns the same results as the source no matter the value entere ...

Struct Default Values not registering in user generated structs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 15, 2016

Arrays of structs do not register default values when the array is resized. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.11.2 ...

Root component doesn't scale appropriately when defer spawning in C++

UE - Gameplay - Components - Feb 12, 2018

Whenever defer spawning is used from the GameplayStatics library it is supposed change it's transform properties based on what is passed in as a parameter. Despite this, it seems the newly created a ...

GPU crash when using RVT BaseColor/Normal/Roughness format

UE - Rendering Architecture - May 24, 2023

When using an RVT with BaseColor/Normal/Roughness format on DX12 with a GPU that supports Tier2, a GPU crash may be seen. ...

Set user focus for player 0 will cause other local players to lose input

UE - Gameplay - Input - Feb 28, 2019

When the player at index 0 sets its user focus it will cause other players to lose input. This does not occur when setting the user focus of players with an index higher than 0. ...

Stacked Material Nodes become difficult to read

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - May 13, 2015

Material Nodes, particularly Constant Vector 3s and Texture Samples, become difficult to read when users overlay them like stacked cards. [Image Removed] Also reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2548 ...

Blueprint Diff doesn't find the difference in changed Child Actor Components in duplicated Child Actors

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 2, 2017

Blueprint Diff doesn't find the difference in changed Child Actor Components in duplicated Child Actors. This seems to be contained to Child Actor Components that are inherited by a Child Actor Clas ...

Character Movement values do not reset to defaults

Tools - Mar 9, 2015

Character Movement values do not reset to defaults. Changing a value and then using the arrow to Reset to Default updates the number displayed in the Details panel, but the value does not update dur ...