In the Character Movement Component, setting the Plane Constraint Normal to a value other than default, and then attempting to change the value back to the default does not revert to the default val ...
The math expression node in blueprints does not recognize variables that have been hidden within a blueprint category. ...
Changing the InstancedFoliageGridSize by the WorldPartitionFoliageBuilder commandlet will cause some of the foliage to not load correctly. ...
Assigning a Parent Socket of a component in a child bp also changes that socket for all children and the parent, then resets to the parent default on restart Description: Yesterday i noticed that ...
Texture Collections can contain virtual textures. There is no way to inform TextureObjectFromCollection that the texture is virtual, only that it is a Texture2D. This texture object is then sampled ...
r.Shadow.FadeResolution and r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold values in DefaultScalability.ini are not being applied ...
When changing the right channel gain of the stereo mixer at runtime, it generates clicks and pops in the output. ...
Landscape Layers created in 4.22+ revert to default material in Mobile Preview. Confirmed in MAIN at CL 9730599 ...
Lighting channels do not function when the number of lights affecting actors is 79 or higher. Any number of lights that is 78 or fewer will honor lighting channel assignments. ...