
I checked the c.haos code quickly. I think it caused by the function "bool FInitBodiesHelperBase::CreateShapesAndActors()". In this function, the CreateActor_AssumesLocked function will ignore the scale information, and the CreateShapes_AssumesLocked function will use the scale information by GetFinalScaled. And the negative scale will make the shape mirrored.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. In C.haos version, Create any static mesh in third person level
  2. Set the static mesh scale as x: -1, y: 1, z: 1;
  3. Run PIE
  4. the character will cross the static mesh.

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ComponentUE - Simulation - Physics
Affects Versions4.27-chaos5.0
Target Fix5.0
Fix Commit19360379
Main Commit19364166
Release Commit19360379
CreatedFeb 15, 2022
ResolvedMar 11, 2022
UpdatedJan 25, 2023
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