Upon creation and compilation of a Blueprint Variable of type InputActionKeyMappings, when clicking the "X" to remove the default input key parameter causes the editor to crash. ...
It should be noted that this issue does not occur if you were to create a new "test widget" (by dragging it from the widget list) every time instead of copying and pasting an existing widget. The i ...
If you call the "GetCameraImage" function rapidly ~10 times, it causes the ARKit camera feed to stop updating. Waiting for awhile or tapping some more seems to bring it back. Tested on macOS H ...
The iPhone X notch is off center on the XS Max and the XR. ...
A struct containing variables that are a Class Reference and Soft Object Reference to a Blueprint no longer works after the project is closed and re-opened in the Editor. If a variable of the struct ...
Modifying the Shear values on a Progress Bar in a Widget Blueprint cause it to lose its Fill Color and set Progress. This is a regression from 4.20.3 (CL-4369336). Reproes with -vulkan on both Linux ...
When using a Set Sprite node with a billboard component, the texture assigned will flicker between the two possible textures. Working as expected in 4.20 CL# 4369336 Found in 4.21 CL# 4541578, 4.2 ...
The new event track in level sequences fires the number of times that there are levels streaming. ...
Skeletal Mesh Ref Skeleton can be built before Skeleton has finished loading, meaning it misses Virtual Bones. Need to force Skeleton to finish loading before building ref skeleton (Like animation a ...
When introduced with two Steam NetDrivers/NetConnections to the same user, instead of closing out the communications on a per channel basis, the entire session is removed from the connection list. T ...