The Max Deviation setting for a static mesh LOD is never used for Mesh Reduction. This results in incorrect values for automatically computed LOD distances, because the calculation uses the Max Devi ...
When changing the rendering Frame Buffer Pixel setting from "10 bit RGB 2 bit alpha" to "Float RGBA". The Editor's UI will change. (Please see the attached screenshots for comparison) ...
REOPENED NOTES: Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Test Project: [Link Removed] Open project and press Play: Editor will crash. User reports this being due to sequential animations not being the sam ...
Currently, the SButton and SBorder widgets multiply the color and opacity during OnPaint before calling the super (SCompoundWidget::OnPaint). This causes the operation to be done twice, since the co ...
Physics Constraint angular visualization are missing in 4.11 This is a regression User Description: Since 4.11 angular constraints of the physics constant are not shown in the viewport. In 4.10 ...
When using Lighting Scenario, loading order will affect how it's applied to the instances, resulting in corruption if content is loaded after the lighting scenario ...
On Linux machines users are unable to uncap their framerate in the editor. This issue has been observed in multiple maps, including TM-URO and TM-AnimPhys, as well as Third Person Blueprint projects ...
There is a haloing effect when depth of field is used while post processing also has propagate alpha enabled at higher scalability levels. The effect becomes more obvious as the resolution of the vi ...
In earlier versions of the Engine (reported from 4.2), in a Blueprint Function Library, from the New Function Node you could right click on "new parameter" to promote to variable. Also you could dra ...
Transform track for a spawnable Empty Actor always shows 0, 0, 0 and it can't be edited. I could repro this in 4.17.2 and 4.18 Preview 2. This does not happen in 4.15.3 and 4.16.3. So this could b ...