Crash adding subscene to a looped subscene. Note this did not repro with brand new sequences not sure what's different about this older content. This also occurs in Release-5.0. ...
I would like to be able to do the following blueprint code in python. [Image Removed] The getDataTableRow function is not exposed to python. Engine\Source\Editor\BlueprintGraph\Private\K2Node_ ...
IsDataValid is not called for components inherited via a parent's SCS. I've attached a small repro project. (4.27) ...
On a listen server, any voice chat sound that should be routed through a UVOIPTalker component doesn't appear to do so. The sound is audible regardless of where the host's player is located in relat ...
The User Param Binding seems to be typed as UStaticMesh, which does not allow fort UObject or UNiagaraDataInterfaceStaticMesh types to be added to its drop-down, so no user parameters can be selecte ...
Passing a parameter by reference for an RPC does not seem to be a supported operation, and UnrealHeaderTool will already throw an error if a networked UFUNCTION includes any OutParms. However, users ...
I think tessellation will be discontinued in the future, but I will report it just in case. The licensee is not keen on fixing this problem. ...
The panning in the Tap Delay Submix Effect does not always match its assigned Pan in Degrees value. Specifically, the left and right side appear to be reversed on Stereo setups. In addition, in 5.1 ...