Pasting an element into a Widget Blueprint after removing the canvas panel will result in a crash. This has been tested with the border and button elements. This issue is occurring in //UE5/Releas ...
The fix for FURY-149 reinitializes the anim bp whenever the animation section restores state, it may only be necessary to reinitialize it if the skeletal mesh changes. ...
For 4.27/5.0 (as part of [Link Removed]) we changed the asset manager's settings to be a key-indexed config array which gives more safety with removing entries via the UI. However, this actually bro ...
Also worth noting the editor slowed significantly with the planar reflection in the scene. Regression checked in //UE4/Release-4.26.2 CL15973114 and the issue does not reproduce there ...
Please see the UDN for a potential fix/workaround description. ...
Potentially missing lightmass path for skylight that needs to imitate the static directional light GI solution. ...