When using AddChildActorComponent in the construction script of an actor and attempting to get a reference to the child actor that is stored in a variable on Event Begin Play, the editor throws erro ...
The settings .ini files for games packaged for windows appear to be getting overwritten with blank files whenever the game is run. Even if settings are added to the .ini files manually, the files be ...
When you select an asset that references a skeleton that has moved, the editor asks you to choose a new skeleton. When you choose Yes is it gives the message "The Anim Blueprint could not be loaded ...
The child widget of Retainerbox was applied incorrectly offset the RenderTranslation of the parent widget and draws it. This issue is 4.24 only. it's fine as well as the preview on UMG Designer in 4 ...
Clothing can have noticeable popping when switching LODs, and there is currently no mechanism to initially start cloth in a resting pose, causing popping on spawn. ...
Tilemaps using lit methods of rendering are subject to strange lighting behavior. If the material for the tilemap is using a 'masked' method of rendering. Lighting will appear at incorrect angles. ...
The texture parameters on material instances applied to post process volumes do not respect the priority order of the post process volume, and are in fact inverted relative to the priority of other ...
The user has come across various issues with using nested blueprint structs within a data table. The first issue relates to changing a variable in a child struct and setting it back then saving, cau ...
Since multiple dict tags can be in a plist, not just the top level, need to be able to specify to only insert once. Adding an optional once="true" attribute to these commands in UPL will allow this ...
Different results in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 On Instance Take Radial Damage will not receive radial damage against Foliage. ...