When the player is controlling a Character actor, using the CharacterMovementComponent (CMC), unexpected movement corrections will occur while standing still on a movement base that is rotating. ...
When using Attenuations with MetaSounds, if the Attenuation Shape is Sphere it works as expected. However, other shapes do not work correctly. The sound either becomes deactive or sometimes the soun ...
Destructible Mesh component doesn't show in bp viewport until the bp is reopened User Description: Mesh dont appears in viewport after add DestructibleComponent and set "Destructible Mesh". After ...
The Left Mouse Button Pressed event is not firing when Input Mode Game Only is set and Show Mouse Cursor is true. Attached is an example project (4.23) that demonstrates the issue. Found in 4.23.0 ...
This is an issue with how FPropertyValueImpl::ResetToDefault works: it uses GetDefaultValueAsString to reset the default value. This is problematic because the LexToString function that is eventuall ...
Regression was checked on UE5-Release-EarlyAccess CL 16682836, Regression - No. ...
Converting a C++ enum to a string should be a consistent result, however when running in the editor it returns the display-name value instead of the index value. This prevents C++ UENUMs from being ...
Dynamically loaded animation blueprints do not work within packaged product. Download the pre-made project from here: [Link Removed] ...
This only occurs in standalone or a packaged game Having a Play Media Player node in a blueprint causes all of that blueprint's functions to become uncallable. Found in 4.11 Preview 5. Reproduced ...
Even after manually Deactivating a Niagara component, this Niagara component may be revived under certain conditions. This issue occurs when the following conditions are met before the Deactivated N ...