Context The Visual Logger is a powerful debugging tool to create and record visual representations, and allows people to review the data. Problem The problem is that it does not record things don ...
When Switching the curve editor to cubic interpolations for example moving the blue handles will not change the curve. However, if a third point is add this function works as intended from the 2 poi ...
When using a BP with component instance static mesh that is added via the construction script, when using the build button in the toolbar to build lighitng and geometry everything will work correctl ...
When using move component to to move a component, and then calling Destroy Actor when the actor overlaps another actor, a crash occurs. In this case, the user was attempting to move their static m ...
The editor crashes when activating cvar options for shader compilation and debugging. ...
When the cvar "r.VolumetricRenderTarget.PreferAsyncCompute" is enabled, it will cause Volumetric Clouds to ignore the influence of Volumetric Fog. In high-fog environments, this can cause the clouds ...
When blueprints are compiled, instances of those blueprints have their attachments detached and then reattached. Reattachments always occur on the RootComponent regardless of which component they we ...
Different Load Orders affect Shadows on Foliage & HISM Discovered during verification of [Link Removed] Also created a Blueprint actor with a HISM and duplicated it three times and changed the mob ...
Lighting will build indefinitely in certain circumstances and can be verified in Swarm Agent that it will continue to process the maps even though the log shows it has completed. This is happening i ...
Lighting will build indefinitely in certain circumstances and can be verified in Swarm Agent that it will continue to process the maps even though the log shows it has completed. This is happening i ...