This is a common crash occurring in the 4.16 release. It is spread out across many different CrashGroups with slight variations in Callstack. Additional information is not available at this time. ...
Saving a package in the editor while there is a queued text mesh build will cause a fatal error because the build will execute during the save, and creating objects while saving is not allowed. This ...
Dynamic instancing is likely causing an issue where meshes that need shadows are getting combined with meshes that do not need shadows causing missing shadows. Tests were done with CSMs. Reproducti ...
Control Rig settings are not retained between editor sessions or carried into deployed game ...
This is not a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL18319896 Crash occurs when duplicating a State Machine in the My Blueprint panel within an Animation blueprint. ...
When using the Make Writable button, it is intended to make the file editable without the prompt to check an asset out popping up on subsequent attempts to save the asset. This does not work for Sub ...
New media framework is making Mac/iOS not render ...
This is a race condition caused by how "Clean.bat", a batch file used during rebuilds, tries to manually rebuild the UnrealBuildTool project when it runs. This causes a spam of UnrealBuildTool build ...
If an existing AddComponent node is placed in an Actor Blueprint's Event Graph for a custom ActorComponent-based Blueprint Class, the node will fail to be scheduled after adding a variable marked "E ...
Adding a dynamic binding and preforming a hot reload sometimes causes the binding to not be registered by class/blueprint instances that already exist in the world. Instances need to be replaced fr ...