It was noticed that after changing the class of the component and restarting the editor, the Detail panel is no longer displayed, which makes it impossible to work with it. Repro Rate 5/5 Regressi ...
The exporter export the render data and the nanite render data is on the gpu and is not accessible, this is why it export the fallback mesh. Its more complex then it appear since we will need to do ...
FLevelEditorViewportClient::InputAxis needs to be updated to use the device mapper and FInputDeviceID's instead of the old int 32 ControllerID. Looks like this was missed during the refactor to use ...
First picture lit is used [Image Removed] Second picture PT is used, this occurs under certain angles of incidence. [Image Removed] ...
This appears to be a general crash when a SingleLayerWater material is assigned to a Nanite Mesh. ...
The multi line flag is available for class level string properties but not for local properties. ...
GameplayCues inheriting from GameplayCueNotify_Actor no longer have their Removed functions called when removed via UAbilitySystemComponent::RemoveGameplayCue if GameplayCueNotifyTagCheckOnRemove is ...