When creating a new default level in the first person template, the default game mode is set to 'pawn' rather than 'first person character'. ...
Editor crashes when clicking in to a padding field after wrapping a widget and then trying to undo the change. ...
According to AnswerHub, Setup.sh will fail: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/427889/building-engine-on-linux-gitdependenciessh-no-such.html ...
The problem is that windows supplies both a touch event and a mouse event for each touch. The engine then handles touches as mouse input so that UI elements can work correctly on touch platforms. ...
Asset returns after being deleted from the content folder while the editor is open. A deleted asset comes back and does not prompt to save it. This leads to the asset being removed when the editor i ...
Extra Sphere collision is shown when setting it to not be hidden in game for the BP_motionController in the VR template. This also appears to be happening with other debug shapes including the deb ...
The relative location of a Blueprint's Components behaves differently in the level depending on whether the Component was added directly to the Blueprint or it was inherited from a parent code class ...
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