Adding values in the details panel to a new Capsule Collision Component will not affect the Capsule in the CharacterBlueprint Viewport. *This only effects a new Capsule Collision added to a charact ...
The construction script is not updating in the PIE when the text is set through that method, there is a current workaround to set it on event begin play. This issue affects the Text and Textbox comp ...
When I try to edit Gameplay tag query in a blueprint structure the editor crashes. Regression: No. This issue affects versions: 4.15, 4.14.3, 4.13.2 (Binary Versions) ...
This only affects certain dropdowns and only occurs when the editor is open. Also occurs in 4.15.2 This has been seen on the following macs:AMD R9 M395 iMac running Sierra 10.12.5 ...
When multiple components in an attachment hierarchy are copy and paste, the result is the new group has a distorted shape from the original. This issue may be related to [Link Removed] and is affec ...
The movable point light is abnormally lit when it disappeared by the setting of r.MinScreenRadiusForLights rather than "Max draw distance" and appears back. After you disable and enable the "Affect ...
This is a regression.This does not affect UE5. Creating a function with parameter type TEnumAsByte<MyEnum> will crash while compiling. In 4.26 and UE5 the code compiles without issue, and the user ...
Adding a track for LayerData.Offset throws an ensure that states "No default blender class specified on property, and no custom blender specified on entities. Falling back to float blender." This do ...
When soloing an audio track in sequencer, all the tracks are muted and nothing in soloed. Attached video shows Mute working correctly followed by Solo not working[Link Removed] Cannot reproduce i ...
Child Actor Components do not update Materials when applying instance changes to other instances. Repro Rate: 3/3 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL#18319896 and the issue did occur there, it ...