Some materials are not rendering on iphone 6 series devices. They will render completely black on one device but not others in the same series. Replacing the material with a basic material renders o ...
Disabling collision of an actor after an overlap event will cause the event to fire twice This is working properly in 4.10-2674146 User Description: Calling on "Set Actor EnableCollision" or "Set ...
This is a regression from 4.22.3 (CL-7053642) where this setup executed as expected. Toggling Collision Profiles in 4.23.1 (CL-9631420) and onward do not affect the Static Mesh and it acts as if it ...
The FPS drop off of this users project is significant between version of UE4. I tested this issue on a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 edition. I also tested on a iPad air 2 on 8.1. There was a sig ...
This is a common crash affecting users in 4.15 and 4.16. Over 200 unique users have been affected. User DescriptionsCamera Component Drag Drop Error 카메라 컴포넌트를 이벤트 그래프에 드래그 하는 도중 에러 발생 Creating a ne ...
Set Actor Location and Teleport from a Character when touching an Actor simulating physics will launch the Actor. User supplied a video demonstrating the problem: [Link Removed] Test project in Pa ...
The Spawn Actor from Class node outputs an Actor reference when a Select node is attached to the Class input, even if both options are of the same child type. For example, if two Characters are the ...
I noticed that the copy and pasted section of the level was being painted while I was painting a nearby section of the level. This weird yellow color appeared and I undid and redid the paint to make ...
Physics Constraint doesn't hold if one Component is used for constraint User Description: Hello, I recently updated the project from 4.7.6 to 4.8.2 and the physics constraint don't seem to work an ...
Build: 4.5.0-2316912 Description: .exe crashes on iPad4 when attempting to draw a 2048x1536 texture to the HUD Frequency: 2/2 Repro: [Reproduced Internally] 1. Download attached texture file. 2. Ope ...