Creating an actor with a UMaterialBillboardComponent causes Editor hitching. ...
Rate Scale does not appear to have an effect when using a blend space that blends an animation with two separate Rate scales. ...
Attempting to create a local binary build of 4.22 using Visual Studio 2019 (with no other versions of Visual Studio installed) currently fails with several warnings and errors, including the followi ...
Unreal doesn't change appearance when changing system configuration display scaling options. Editor Texts are still quite small and don't change based on the Display Scaling %. This bug also causes ...
The problem is a result of two things: UNavigationSystemV1::bStaticRuntimeNavigation being staticUNavigationSystemModuleConfig::UpdateWithNavSysCDO copying the data from nav sys CDO, including bStat ...
HISM is generated by ConstructionScript Actor is placed on the level and navmesh is generated on top of HISM. In UE5.2, the navmesh was generated without splitting on the HISM. In UE5.3, a break occ ...
Values are not copied for a EnumArray that is part of an exposed Struct Variable; when copying from the Details panel to a copy of the same actor. User Description: If you make an array of custom ...
After converting from 4.7.6 to 4.9.1 specific maps won't open and will crash the editor with a D3D11 error. This has been reported by multiple users but has not been reproduced internally. CrashRe ... ...
Stepping in the inner area updates the Control Bus on the Patch, but the Modulation is applied to the Volume destination instead of Pitch. Reproduction rate: 5/5 This also occurs in //UE5/Release- ...