When creating a destructible mesh based on BallMesh_DM from the Rolling Template, if a user attempts to fracture the mesh it will freeze the editor and must be shut down through task manager ...
A licencee reports slow scrolling in the Save Content dialog when working with hundreds of items marked as dirty. From profiling it appears that PackageTools::GetObjectsInPackages is the main offen ...
Editor crashes when utilizing the Landscape Grass Output node within a Material, and then attempting to move the landscape with the material applied. I narrowed this down to being directly related ...
From AnswerHub: Under OS X 10.11.4 using Metal on an AMD FirePro D700, captured video using the editor's built-in video capture tools is black. It doesn't matter if I attempt to capture images or v ...
This user's project crashes with no crash report when its 'BP_Node' Blueprint is compiled. No crash report is generated and the log does not indicate a crash. Note: the project will not open after ...
Collapsed categories in the My Blueprint tab are automatically expanded when any main tab, such as the Event Graph or Construction Script tab, is clicked. Moving to the Defaults or Components Modes ...
When using the new Draw Material to Render Target function in conjunction with a Material using a masked opacity channel, the render texture is inverted. See attached images for reference. As a not ...
Rich text does not display on Linux. A Warning: Rich text formatting is disabled message appears where rich text would normally be displayed. I do not see this issue on Windows. REGRESSION: Yes Wo ...
The firing sound in the Twin Stick Shooter template on the Linux machine does not have a constant tempo. The firing sound changes between evenly spaced sounds and closely spaced sounds. I do not se ...
Unreal Frontend does not have tooltips for the options in the drop down menus. I do not see this with the Project Launcher. REGRESSION: Yes Worked: This previously worked in 4.12.5 Binary CL-30392 ...