Packaged QA Game crashes when opening "TM-MotionController" This issue did not occur in 4.13 This is also affecting KiteDemo. Cinematic will crash when Editor Content is not included in the packag ...
A user has reported an issue about scroll bars having a minimum size in UMG and Slate code, causing them to not scale correctly when the scroll box is at a smaller size. This affects both horizontal ...
This is a semi-common Linux crash coming out of 4.17.1. It is spread among a few different similar callstack affecting a handful of users. [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed ...
A licensee noticed that the ShouldCache types for FLandscapeMaterialResource changed in the 4.18.2 but this did not affect the DDC keys generated. This caused an endless compilation loop where the s ...
Grandchildren (C in an attachment hierarchy of A < B < C) that are auto welded have issues related to overlap events when moving via physics. They tend to overlap later than they should. This does n ...
Web browser widgets to not receive input when used in a widget component on Android devices Update: Oculus Quest devs attempting to implement and interact with the web browser widget via widget i ...
The Set Position in Viewport node does affect UserWidgets position. It keeps it 4.19.2 (CL - 4033788), 4.20.3 (CL - 4369336), 4.21 (CL - 4465720), 4.22 (CL - 44654877) ...
Changing capitalization in a newly created folder will not rename folder and the user will be presented with "A folder already exists at this location with this name. Also occurring in 5.0-Release ...
Setting a parameter on a Sound Cue from Blueprints more than once is not working. The first time a parameter is set works, but any following sets are ignored. This is a regression and does not occu ...
Occurs 3/3 times. Orientation Warp plugin is missing from ABP_Manny BP in the TPS C++ project after project restart. Regression does not occur: Animation Warp plugin is not available in //UE4/Rel ...