Flying pawn from Flying Template does not collide with landscapes. ...
The node wires in this project's MyCharacter blueprint do not animate during PIE. This also occurs with the NPC and AI Blueprints the first time you PIE, but the second time they animat as expected. ...
if I place a mesh with "Can Ever Affect Navigation" set to true, then set it to false, it will leave the NavMesh with a bugged "hole" that AI does not path around correctly (causing the "Blocked" er ...
When packaging a blank blueprint project in the versions mentioned, it adds the 'Slate' folder content to the final packaged product. I am not sure this is intended as the user does not need any of ...
Billboard components render translucent during play, but render opaque within the editor. Simply adding a billboard as a component to a new actor blueprint and placing it in the level will reproduce ...
A crash occurs when scrubbing the matinee slider with a 'Sound Wave' that has 'Subtitles' enabled. You need to enable 'Subtitles' within the settings of the asset. Tested issue in 4.7.6 and did no ...
This project crashes when opening most maps after converting to 4.7 Preview 5. Also crashes after converting to 4.8 Main (tested in //depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2429371). Crash log attached. Crash R ...
When a build has been packaged using shipping options, square root falloff settings cause landscape to incorrectly render. Note: When downloading the files, please note that the WindowsNoEditor fo ...
Landscape Mountains experiences heavy performance drops at various locations on map, specifically around ice lake in middle of map or when crashing. FPS varies from 50 FPS down to 11 FPS. ...