Improper include generated when C++ class is in a subdirectory

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jun 7, 2022

This is not a regression from 4.27.2, however, a similar issue was fixed in 4.26. Generating a C++ class that is in a subdirectory generates the #include "Subdirectory/Class.h" instead of #include ...

UE 5.4 - Specular/reflection disappears above 4096 resolution render

UE - Rendering Architecture - Aug 1, 2024

After a viewport is more than 4096 pixels wide, Lumen's specular reflections buffer cuts its width off at 4096 pixels. It appears that the affected buffer is "Lumen.Reflections.ResolvedSpecularIndi ...

Docking tabs to the main viewport will hide other viewports that are not docked

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 3, 2015

If any tabs are undocked from the main viewport and another tab is then docked to the main viewport it will hide any undocked tabs. This only appears to affect tabs that in the Menu > Window with ex ...

Adding a camera cut track through sequencer scripting does not set the movie scene's camera cut track

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 13, 2020

When adding a camera cut track through sequencer scripting there is no way to set the camera cut track on the movie scene, which is how the add track menu determines if a new one can be added. This ...

MediaFramework - Webcam Video input shows as black in Media Player

UE - Media Framework - Aug 17, 2021

Alejandro Arango 3 days ago In fact, it seems the 4.27 changes are conditioned by WMFMEDIA_PLAYER_VERSION . So the only change needed is in WmfMedia.Build.cs . They only need to change it to say: P ...

HighResShot with a png output uses 24 bit depth in PIE instead of 32 bit

RAD - Oodle - Mar 1, 2022

Tested in 4.27.2 binary which produced 32 bit depth pngs in both the editor and PIE. Using the HighResShot command to get a png while playing in editor results in a 24 bit depth screenshot where pr ...

Instanced Stereo setting crashes engine when building lighting, creating a vector3 or disabling setting

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 4, 2022

After further investigation we noticed that the issue is arising from the Instanced Stereo setting. When creating a Vector3 in a new material, building lighting or disabling the Instanced Stereo set ...

A crash happens with a combination of Event Receive Tick AI and a pawn losing possession

UE - AI - May 18, 2022

User reports this is a regression because it worked in 4.27, but they converted to 5.0.1 and now it causes a crash. However, I'm unable to verify this at this time. A crash happens with a combinati ...

Crash while using Geometry Scripting to add an Array of Vector 2D data to 'Append Buffers to Mesh' node UV0 input pin

UE - Graphics Tools - Modeling Tools - Jun 13, 2022

Geometry Scripting plugin isn't available for 4.27.2, and the behavior is the same 5.0.1. Crash while using Geometry Scripting to add an Array of Vector 2D data to 'Append Buffers to Mesh' node UV0 ...

Retainer Box does not propagate Visibility settings to children

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Aug 22, 2022

This is not a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL18319896 Retainer Box does not propagate Visibility settings to children. Setting Canvas visibility to 'Not Hit-Testable (Self & All Childre ...