When attempting to package this project for a mobile device, the build with fail. I tested in main and 4.7 release and the build will always fail. Project: [Link Removed] Users log: https://ans ...
If a Component of an actor has a space in its text, it will not correctly render that component when duplicated in the editor viewport. If the spaces are taken out of the text, the actor renders as ...
User is reporting a crash when using the console command "highreshot #" with any number. [Link Removed] ...
Some properties go missing when the Editor is switched to Japanese mode. Specifically, missing under Collison: -Simulation Generates Hit Events -Phys Material Override -Use CCD (See attached screens ...
Undoing the creation of a new macro in MyBlueprint whilst displaying the new macro tooltip causes a crash trying to update the tooltip. ...
Destroying a Character's CapsuleComponent while Use RVOAvoidance is enabled in the CharacterMovement component will crash the editor. Crash Report: [Link Removed] ...
When looking at a large flat surfaces at very sharp angles dark banding will occur at the horizon. This also occurs in 4.14 CL 3091931 Note : I've attached a 4.12.5 version of the project (SSR412) ...
Spawn Emitter Attached not working in Packaged Game. Not sure if it isn't spawning the emitter or if it is spawning at the wrong location. ...
App/project crashes when setting a texture's compression settings to BC4 and deploying to the iPad Air. As the user in the op states on AnswerHub, the problem seems to lie with specific texture com ...
Using the showdebug commands during play results in overlapping text that is difficult to read. Found in 4.11.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.10.4 binary and Main CL 2852833. Regression? No, also occ ...