Multiple scrollbars throughout the editor bounce back when the user scrolls with the mouse wheel. The effect looks like the scrollbar is rubber banding when scrolled. This issue has been found wi ...
When a POM decal material is applied to a decal actor in the scene the video driver will crash. This worked prior to 4.11.0 release. Only when the material is assigned to a decal actor will the vide ...
If a user enables 'Crack Free Displacement' when using tessellation on landscapes, the displacement becomes flattened. This does not occur on regular static meshes, and seems to be tied only to land ...
Sounds with the 'Enable Listener Focus' setting checked are not updating the Listener Position when using the 'Stat Sounds' console command during play. ...
Animation Sequence Timeline is blank and doesn't let you scrub Regression: Yes, works in 4.11 [Image Removed] ...
A licensee is getting a crash when using the GetPointClampedSampler within a Custom Node. Regression? No, this crash occurs in 4.12.5, 4.13.2, and the 4.14 preview 3 release. ...
Particle lights cause flickering when using either FXAA or no AA, but turns into black squares on the screen when you enable Gaussian Blur Regression: Yes, does not occur in 4.10 ...
AI Perception Hearing Sense is returning false for successfully sensed, even when a Noise Event is being reported. Found in 4.12 binary. Reproduced in 4.11.2 binary. ...
Creating a macro that compiles and saves without any errors causes the build to fail when trying to package. This is failing on each platform tried. ...
Child Blueprint isn't listed as an option for a variable inside of a DataTable until the Child BP is re-saved User Description: If you don't change anything and just load files I've attached, you ...