Sending a string or text of 1024 or more characters disconnects Client and Server

UE - Networking - Oct 5, 2015

Sending a string or text of 1024 or more characters disconnects Client and Server. 1023 works without disconnection. Possibly a buffer overflow problem? Is this expected behavior? Reproduced in 4. ...

Shouldn't be able to add wildcard rerouters

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 5, 2014

Dragging off the result of the Ease function and selecting Add Reroute Node creates a wildcard reroute node that is not connected to the Ease output. The two nodes cannot be connected. ...

"DefaultToSelf" pin ignores parameter type

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 5, 2015

A user reported an issue resulting in a crash with callstack pasted below. After a brief investigation I've found that user was able to successfully compile a blueprint where a function taking an ...

LIVE: Memory spikes when importing a json with a large amount of sprites

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Oct 24, 2014

While importing a json file with a large amount of sprites, memory usage spikes. The test asset uses a 2000x128 texture with 1024 elements. ...

Void Interface functions cannot be overridden in Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 10, 2015

A Blueprint Interface function that does not have an Output cannot be overridden in a Blueprint implementing that function. The function does not appear in the Interface section of the My Blueprint ...

Linker errors when deriving from ADecalActor in game

UE - Gameplay - May 6, 2015

Cannot derive from ADecalActor in your game modules as not all of the functions are exposed and you get linker errors. ...

Bloom/Specular difference with same content between 4.8 and 4.9

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 4, 2015

A licensee reported a visual difference, possibly related to bloom or specular when updating from 4.8 to 4.9[Image Removed] After looking at it with Visualize HDR on, Martin commented the following ...

Tilemaps Normals are Flipped upon Opening Editor with Tilemaps in Level

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Jul 27, 2016

A licensee has reported that the normals for their tilemaps upon initial load of the editor are flipped. This is also true when they launch their packaged project. All the normals of their tilemaps ...

Unable to import GrayScale Textures

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Nov 7, 2014

Reported by Twitter user, "Does #UE4 seriously not support importing greyscale textures anymore?" ...

iOS will not package or launch on Win 10 machine

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 23, 2015

Launching or packaging for iOS does not work on our Windows 10 machine however we are able to package and launch onto iOS devices from Windows 7 machines. Using the File > Package > iOS option with ...